
Japanese Candy キャンディー

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Candy made with a direct-fire cooking method in which the kettle is directly cooked and the candy is cooked while boiling water at high temperature.
Craftsman feel the subtle changes in temperature and humidity from their many years of experience, and adjust their cooking times and methods slightly accordingly.
Therefore, the taste of candy hand-made by a craftsman is constantly changing.
It is possible to send various candies across the world because of the skill of craftsmen who have kept this manufacturing method alive.

Prices starting from 10 items are listed here.
Candy cans
20~ ⇒ ¥820
30~ ⇒ ¥800
王将 Candy
20~ ⇒ ¥720
30~ ⇒ ¥700

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¥700 ($4.62) tax included

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